Meeting to consider the nomination of Ralph V. Yanora to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission; and to consider SB 1237, SB 1281, SB 1319; and HB 2381

Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 | 12 p.m.

Room 461, Main Capitol


The following nomination and bills will be considered:         

The re-nomination of Ralph V. Yanora to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. Testimony, Bio

Senate Bill 1237 (Baker) Amends the Underground Utility Line Protection Law to provide for updates and reauthorization of the law.

  • Amendment A05610 (Stefano) Provides technical corrections and eliminates the sunset date. 

Senate Bill 1281 (Culver): Amends the Medical Practice Act to provide for licensure of medical imaging professionals, radiation therapists and radiologist assistants.

Senate Bill 1319 (Farry) Amends the Architects Licensure Law to provide continuing education requirements for architects and the certification of certain interior designers.

House Bill 2381 (Markosek) Amends Title 63 (Professions and Occupations (State Licensed)) to allow temporary regulations to implement licensure compacts. 

  • Amendment A05599 (Stefano) Clarifies the temporary regulation process.
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